On the higher mountains of Macedonia, in the areas with accented glacial erosion, there are also mountain lakes, true mountain eyes. These lakes are characterized by clear and pure waters which, because of the high altitude, usually are lifeless.
Only some of them will be mentioned here: on Pelister there are two beautiful lakes called Pelister's Eyes: Golemo Ezero (2,218 m) and Malo Ezero (2,280 m); on Korab the lakes of Korapsko Ezero (2,470 m), Mal Korab (2,310 m), Bachilski Kamen (1,760 m); on Mount Deshat the lakes of Sv. Nedela (1,850 m), Juzno Ezero (1,770 m); on Stogovo the lakes of Gorno, Dolno, Marusha Ezero, etc.
a) b)
c) d)
e) f)
The mountain eyes ( lakes) in Macedonia;