Just above a small fishing settlement, on a cliff rising up from Ohrid Lake, stands one of the most magnificent churches in all of Macedonia.

Built in the honor of St. John the Theologian, St. Kaneo with its sublime atmosphere and views of the placid lake below remains an inspiring place for spiritual contemplation.The church, which was consecrated at the end of the 13th century, was built on a rectangular stone base. Its exterior is decorated with ceramic decorative sculptures and stone carvings.

The church St. John Kaneo;

Though the fresco painters are unknown, the fragments that have been preserved are of exceptional quality; The Communion of the Apostles and the portraits of St. Clement, St. Erasmus and Constantine Kavasilas especially stand out.An extraordinarily unique construction, built as it is from a combination of Byzantine and Armenian architectural styles, St. Kaneo is indeed one of the most beautiful churches in Macedonia and in the whole Balkan region.

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